Embassy REIT: India’s Pioneering Real Estate Investment Trust

Embassy REIT


Embassy REIT is India’s first intimately listed Real Estate Investment Trust. The Embassy REIT owns and operates an a45.3 million square base (MSF) portfolio of nine structures and four megacity-center office structures in India’s best-performing office requests of Bengaluru, Mumbai, Pune, and the National Capital Region( NCR). Embassy REIT’s portfolio comprises MSF’s completed operating area and is home to 240 leading companies. The portfolio also comprises strategic amenities, including four functional business hospices, two under-construction hospices, and a 100 MW solar demesne supplying renewable energy to tenants. Embassy REIT’s assiduity-leading ESG program has received multiple accolades from famed global institutions. And was awarded a 5-star standing From the British Security Council and GRESB Embassy. REIT also got world recognition for the most extensive ‘USGBC LEED Platinum- Certified office portfolio by Green Business CertificationInc.

Who’s the guarantor of Embassy REIT?

Axis Trustee Services Limited is the trustee on behalf of the Unit holders, while Embassy Office Parks Management Services Private Limited (EOPMSPL) is the director of the Embassy REIT. The Embassy Sponsor concertedly possesses EOPMSPL and certain realities forming part of the Blackstone Sponsor Group.

What is Embassy REIT?

REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust. A REIT is a  duty-effective vehicle that enables possessors of real estate to pool income-generating means together in a portfolio and allows investors to get power in real estate means in the form of equity.

Is REITs a new system?

The first REIT was started in the US in the 1960s. Designed to allow small investors to share the benefits of retaining marketable real estate.   REITs encyclopedically are a US 2 trillion (intimately-listed) asset class. Please refer to the coffers section for further information on REITs worldwide. Listed real estate is an integral part of the US stock request that the S&P Index commission moved Real Estate out of financials and into its own Global Assiduity Bracket Standard (GICS).  REITs live in several different subsectors of frugality, including offices, artificial, apartments, hospices, logistics, and shopping centers, etc.

Is it reasonable to invest in REIT?  

Global institutions and individual investors widely accept REITs as a safe and transparent way to invest in income-producing real estate. Real estate has always played an essential part in a global asset allocation strategy. REITs enable investors to share in the capital appreciation that the real estate has handed.   REITs are liquid, which allows investors to invest and trade in small quantities and represent power in a real estate vehicle while leaving the operation to professionals.

Are REITs equity or debt?  

Conceptually, REITs are a blend of both. The distributions give the REITs the chronicity of a fixed-income pasteboard. Still, an investor also gets the beginning growth of the business backing the REIT( much like an equity instrument). This growth could be through rental growth or the macroeconomic

motorists leading to advanced employment rates and, hence, demand for Class A Office space. REITs trade on equity exchanges like stock. In advanced requests, there are ETFs and collective finances that concentrate entirely on REITs. In specific requests, the number of listed REITs outweighs that of Real Estate Operating Companies.

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